hello! thanks for taking the time to check out my website. by now you would probably like to know a little more about me, if not, please read no further.
as you may have guessed, my name is brendan. i am currently a student in the electrical engineering department at Oregon Institute of Technology. i am due to graduate spring of 2023 and plan on applying for my masters program at PSU to study analog/RF design.
i have been playing music since i learned how to in highschool at Tacoma School of the Arts. i am infatuated with audio design, and spend what little free time i have drafting and designing circuits, learning as much as i can about analog electronics design.
after highschool i studied software engineering but it did not stimulate my passion in the way i had hoped. i put down my keyboard and tended bar for 6 years while i explored what i wanted to do with my time. currently i am employed at URS Electronics in Portland Oregon where i practice sales and solve problems for folx who cannot afford to pay the steep fees usually associated with electronic design and troubleshooting.
if you have any questions or would like to chat with me about a project, please dont hesitate to do so. i enjoy making connections and sharing my passion for music and electronics with anyone who will listen.